UK Treasury chief warning on economy

UK Treasury chief warning on economy

16. mars 2016

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LONDON (AP) — Britain’s Treasury chief is unveiling a budget Wednesday replete with billions in cuts to achieve his target of balancing the books in the face of weaker global economic growth. George Osborne warned… Les mer ›

Donald Trump knocks out Marco Rubio( Photo: Wikipedia)

Donald Trump knocks out Marco Rubio

16. mars 2016

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  WEST PALM BEACH. Donald Trump scored victories in the Republican presidential primaries Tuesday, winning Florida, the biggest delegate prize of the night, and driving home-state Sen. Marco Rubio out of the race.John Kasich’s Ohio… Les mer ›

Russian air force personnel prepare to load humanitarian cargo on board a Syrian Il-76 plane at Hemeimeem air base in Syria. Russia’s defense ministry said Tuesday, March 15, 2016 that the first group of warplanes stationed at the Russian air base in Syria has left for home following a pullout order from President Vladimir Putin.(Photo:Ap)

Russian warplanes have started to leave Syria

15. mars 2016

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MOSCOW (AP) — Russia’s defense ministry said Tuesday that the first group of warplanes stationed at the Russian air base in Syria has left for home following a pullout order from President Vladimir Putin.The development… Les mer ›

Generaldirektør Fatih Birol i det internasjonale energibyrået IEA spår høyere oljepriser( Foto:

Mot femti dollar fatet for råolje

11. mars 2016

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Nordea Markets spår høyere oljepris i sin ferske marsrapport. OECD-landenes kommersielle varelagre lå på et høyt nivå, mens lagrene av råolje samtidig har økt. Globale raffineritall viser svakere produksjon som følge av konjunkturnedgangen. IEA skriver at… Les mer ›

Director  Mario Draghi of European central Bank is presenting a new stimulus package( photo: Associated Press)

Broad stimulus actions as expected

10. mars 2016

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FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — European Central Bank launched an unexpectedly broad array of stimulus measures Thursday aimed at boosting a modest economic recovery in the 19 countries that use the euro and nudging up dangerously… Les mer ›

Latty Page i Google og Alphabet, var med på å gi oljefondet en avkastning på 300 milliarder kroner( Foto: LinkedIn)

Larry Page en av oljefondets vinnere

9. mars 2016

0 kommentarer

Investeringen i det amerikanske teknologiselskapet Alphabet, morselskapet til Google, bidro mest til oljefondets avkastning i 2015, fulgt av investeringen i den amerikanske nettbutikken og det amerikanske teknologiselskapet Microsoft. Fondets største verdifall i et enkeltselskap var… Les mer ›

Slutt på fondets finansakrobatikk

Slutt på fondets finansakrobatikk

9. mars 2016

8 kommentarer

Amerikanske Apple er det norske oljefondets «superaksje» blant de globale selskapene når Norges Bank skal gjøre opp status for 2014 Finansdepartementet skal fastsette nye beholdningsverdier for aksjer i 8000 selskaper i 82 land før 10.… Les mer ›

Macedonian authorities have imposed further restrictions on refugees trying to cross the border, saying only those from cities they consider to be at war can enter as up to 14,000 people are trapped in Idomeni( Photo: Associated Press)

Refugees can be returned to Turkey

8. mars 2016

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IDOMENI, Greece (AP) — While European leaders struggled Monday for a unified approach to the refugee crisis, tens of thousands of people affected by their decisions were left stranded in Greece, with countries along the… Les mer ›

Olje og gass

Ap Möller Holding kjöper fjerdedel av Dof

Ap Möller Holding kjöper fjerdedel av Dof

3. juli 2024 0 kommentarer

Børsene både i USA og Asia har steget friskt siden Oslo Børs stengte flatt i går ettermiddag, med en oljepris som er tilnærmet uendret på nivåer rundt 86,6 dollar skriver Dof, som opererer innen… Les mer ›

News in English

Oil pipeline in the sunset

Oil and gas brands are Norway’s most valuable and fastest-growing

18. august 2024 0 kommentarer

New data from Brand Finance reveals fossil fuel and seafood brands are 2024 standouts as the region shows early signs of economic recovery Access media downloads here. 7 August 2024, London – Oil and gas brands… Les mer ›