How many are willing to invest and consider themselves environmentalists, and how does the eco-investor distinct from the regular investor across the Nordic countries?
YouGov’s financial service report shows that when picking a financial services provider, the company’s ethics (27%) and sustainability (24%) play an essential role for global consumers.
In a new study, YouGov segments and profiles various consumer categories in the Nordics based on their willingness to invest and whether they view themselves as environmentalists.
There are more than 2 million eco-conscious investors in the Nordics. YouGov’s newest Eco-Investing study segments and profiles various consumer categories in the Nordics based on their willingness to invest and whether they view themselves as environmentalists.
The study:
- Identifies four main investor groups
- Uncovers demographics, attitudes, and behaviors of eco-investors in Sweden and Finland and regular investors in Denmark and Norway
- Describes where different investor segments consume media and how to reach them
The study shows that among Nordic consumers with a high or middle household income, 17% can be considered eco-conscious investors. In contrast, 30% can be classified as regular investors.
Uncover demographics, attitudes, and behaviors of eco-conscious investors in Sweden and Finland and regular investors in Denmark and Norway. Find out how these investor groups consume media and how to reach them.

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