Artikler av: Associated Press

EU rejects Italy’s budget

EU rejects Italy’s budget

23. oktober 2018

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BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union set up a high-stakes battle with Italy, one of the bloc’s biggest economies, over who has final control over a member state’s budget after the executive Commission took the… Les mer ›

May must  drop dream of ‘perfect’ Brexit

May must drop dream of ‘perfect’ Brexit

3. oktober 2018

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BIRMINGHAM, England (AP) — British Prime Minister Theresa May battled to unite her Conservative Party on Wednesday, telling critics to abandon their dreams of a «perfect» Brexit and «come together» as divorce negotiations with the… Les mer ›

Russia kicks off biggest war games in decades

Russia kicks off biggest war games in decades

11. september 2018

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MOSCOW (AP) — Russia’s largest war games in recent history have kicked off in the Far East. The Defense Ministry said in a statement Tuesday that the largest military drills since the end of the… Les mer ›

Prime Minister Dimitri Medvedew is warning about a "terrible conflict" with Georgia in NATO(Photo: Sputniknews)

Russia warns of conflict with Georgia in NATO

7. august 2018

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MOSCOW (AP) — An attempt by NATO to incorporate the former Soviet republic of Georgia could trigger a new, «horrible» conflict, Russia’s prime minister Dmitry Medvedev said Tuesday in a stern warning to the West… Les mer ›

Angela Merkel is leading before the German election 2017. (Photo: Associated Press)

The Worlds most Powerful Woman

17. september 2017

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BERLIN (AP) Angela Merkelis flexible in politics and modest in private. She’s been named the world’s most powerful woman, seen off a series of domestic rivals and led an unsentimental response to Europe’s debt crisis.… Les mer ›

Statsminister Erna Solberg fra Høyre leder på meningsmålingene før Stortingsvalget( Foto: Høyre)

Politikere i gåsegang

12. september 2017

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Foreign Minister in Iran Mohammed Javad Zarif(Photo: Associated Press)

Five Days to Enrich Uranium

22. august 2017

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TEHERAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s atomic chief warned Tuesday the Islamic Republic needs only five days to ramp up its uranium enrichment to 20 percent, a level at which the material could be used for… Les mer ›

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop n Australia dont want China to set the agenda for Asian border Debate( Photo:

China sets conditions for talks on Asia-Pacific

6. august 2017

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MANILA, Philippines (AP) — China’s top diplomat said Sunday that talks for a nonaggression pact aimed at preventing clashes from erupting in the disputed South China Sea may start this year if «outside parties» don’t… Les mer ›