Artikler av: Associated Press

Norge har aksjer i Juventus og Borussia Dortmund

Norge har aksjer i Juventus og Borussia Dortmund

19. april 2021

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Kritikken har ikke latt vente på seg etter at internasjonale medier meldte om at flere europeiske storklubber angivelig er blitt enige om å gå sammen om en ny superliga ifølge TV 2.. Nordens Nyheter var tidlig ute… Les mer ›

Visit to NATO by the Secretary of Defense of the United States

Visit to NATO by the Secretary of Defense of the United States

13. april 2021

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On Wednesday, 14 April 2021, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will meet with the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III, at NATO Headquarters. A small number of media representatives who hold annual accreditation… Les mer ›

Happiness and Economics: Can MoneyReally Make You Happy?

Happiness and Economics: Can MoneyReally Make You Happy?

6. april 2021

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We have often heard the old adage, «money can’t buyhappiness» but how much of that is reallyfactual in today’s society? COVID-19 has not onlyaffected people’s health but their finances too.So how strong is the link… Les mer ›

Strongest American Monthly Gain Since Fall

Strongest American Monthly Gain Since Fall

2. april 2021

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The U.S. labor market is poised for a hiring spree that could deliver jobs to the industries, regions and workers hardest hit during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hot American Economy is Mixed Blessing For the Rest… Les mer ›

Oil Exporters largest owners in Credit Suisse

Oil Exporters largest owners in Credit Suisse

30. mars 2021

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Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley were quick to move large blocks of assets before other large banks that traded with Archegos Capital Management, as the scale of the hedge fund’s losses became apparent,… Les mer ›

Løfter infrastruktur med to trillioner dollars

Løfter infrastruktur med to trillioner dollars

20. mars 2021

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President Joe Biden legger frem en infrastrukturplan på to trllioner dollars onsdag. Penge skal skal brukes til å fikse veier og broer, forbedre og utbygge bredbånd i USA, satse mer på forsskning, samtidig som han… Les mer ›

Teknologiselskaper ned etter rentehopp

Teknologiselskaper ned etter rentehopp

16. mars 2021

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Norges Bank holder styringsrenten uendret på historisk lave null prosent, skriver sentralbanken i en pressemelding torsdag. Samtidig varsler sentralbanken at styringsrenten sannsynligvis vil settes opp gradvis etter nyttår i år. Slik tolker Nordens Nyheter Norges… Les mer ›

Sarkozy convicted of corruption, sentenced to jail

Sarkozy convicted of corruption, sentenced to jail

1. mars 2021

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PARIS (AP) — A Paris court on Monday found French former President Nicolas Sarkozy guilty of corruption and influence peddling and sentenced him to one year in prison and a two-year suspended sentence. The 66-year-old… Les mer ›