Helsinki, Finland, 2015-10-07 11:15 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — STORA ENSO OYJ PRESS RELEASE 7 October 2015 at 12.15 EET. Stora Enso has received the highest rating in a report on Sustainability Communication in Sweden. The study, which includes all 72 companies listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap index, is conducted with the aim to explore and measure sustainability communication. The report is commissioned by the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (MISUM) at the Stockholm School of Economics. Stora Enso is one of the Norwegian Oil Revenue Funds major owner investments in the Nordic countries.
Walking the Talk
The companies included in the study (named “Walking the Talk”) are rated based on what they say that they will do (“talk”), and what they say that they have done (“walk”) with regards to Sustainability/Corporate Responsibility. Stora Enso was the only company to achieve the highest score of 17/17 within the “talk” category and also shared the highest rating in the “walk” category with a score of 14/17.
“It is very rewarding to receive a strong rating in something that is high on our corporate agenda and that we allocate a lot of time and resources to,” said Noel Morrin, Executive Vice President of Global Responsibility at Stora Enso. “Sustainability is a continuous mission and one where the definitions as well as the criteria for success are changing rapidly. We are dedicated to become a global frontrunner when it comes to both social and environmental issues, and the top ranking in MISUM’s report shows that we are on the right path.”
The Noregian Oil Revenue Fund is one of the three largest shareholders in Stora Enso(8 per cent holding), beside the state of Finland and The Wallenberg Web, reports Nordic News wednesday. The Norwegian NBIM is not among the major shareholders in the companys owner list. Communication Manager Marte Skaar in Norges Banks Investment Management, says that practical reasons and some times legal reasons is behind using » nominees» as owners.( See the Norwegian translation of Marte Skaars answer under the article, editorial.)

Oljefondet er storaksjonær i Stora Enso med en dominerende minoritetsandel på 8 prosent. Dermed er Norges Bank (NBIM) en av tre store eiere i Nordens største treforedlingskonsern. Wallenbereggruppens investeringsselskap FAM( Foundation Asset Management) og den finske staten er de andre store aksjonærene. Men eierandelen er ikke oppført direkte i aksjonærregisteret( se StoraEnso.com), men i en sidekommentar. Nordens Nyheter har kontaktet Finansdepartementet i Oslo og NBIM for å få en kommentar. Vi bringer NBIM`s kommentar nedenfor og kommer med en større artikkel om fondets investeringsstrateegi senere. Redaksjonen.
Vi har full åpenhet om alle investeringer som fondet har. Depotjenester er ousourcet
til Citibank. Se mer om det her:
Av praktiske og kostnadsmessige og i noen tilfeller juridiske grunner er depotbanken
og ikke aksjonæren registrert som eier av aksjene i aksjonærregisteret.
For å sikre full åpenhet uavhengig av hvordan vi er registrert i det enkelte
aksjonærregister, har vi full åpenhet på Nbim.no. Dette var vår beholdning i nevnte
selskap ved utgangen av året:
Marthe Skaar
Advisor, Communications and External Relations
Norges Bank Investment Management
E-mail: msk@nbim.no
Direct: +47 24 07 35 61
Mobile: +47 92 61 76 63