The Board of Directors of Castellum has appointed its current Chairman Rutger Arnhult as CEO of Castellum, taking office today on 10 January 2022. The Board has made an overall assessment of what will be required to ensure a successful integration of Castellum and Kungsleden. The Board has not agreed with the CEO, Biljana Pehrsson, on how this work should be executed. Against this background, Biljana Pehrsson leaves her position and Rutger Arnhult replaces her as CEO.
In connection with Rutger Arnhult taking over the role as CEO of Castellum he will leave the position as Chairman of the Board and member of the Nomination Committee with immediate effect, but remain as Board member. At the same time, the current Board member Per Berggren is appointed Chairman of the Board until the annual general meeting 2022. Biljana Pehrsson leaves the role as CEO with immediate effect.
“Biljana Pehrsson has over time developed Kungsleden into a strong property company that highly complements Castellum’s offering and future development. However, the Board and CEO Biljana Pehrsson have not agreed on the strategy going forward in order to build the Nordic region’s leading commercial property company with a focus on the most interesting growth regions. The Board has therefore decided to appoint Rutger Arnhult as CEO with immediate effect. We are convinced that Rutger will lead Castellum and the forthcoming integration work with a focus on what is best for all stakeholders. His task will now be to create a stable and profitable platform for Castellum’s continued growth journey,” says Per Berggren, Chairman of the Board of Castellum.
“Castellum is today one of the Nordic region’s leading commercial property company with presence in the most intreresting growth regions. I am grateful for the trust from the Board and look forward to working together with all employees, and through a successful integration, to strengthen Castellum’s competitiveness in the Nordic real estate market, both financially and operationally,” says Rutger Arnhult, CEO of Castellum.
For further information, please contact:
Per Berggren, Chairman of the Board, Castellum AB, +46 31 60 74 00
About Castellum
Castellum is one of the largest listed property companies in the Nordic region that develops flexible workplaces and smart logistics solutions. As of 19 November 2021, the property value totalled approximately SEK 148 billion, based on an ownership of all shares in Kungsleden. We are active in attractive Swedish growth regions as well as in Copenhagen and the Helsinki area. Through Castellum’s associated company, Entra ASA, the company is also exposed to the Norwegian commercial property market. One of our sustainability goals is to become entirely climate neutral by 2030 at the latest. Castellum is the only Nordic property and construction company elected to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). The Castellum share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap.
Beyond expectations.
This disclosure contains information that Castellum is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 10-01-2022 21:02 CET.