Nordic Architecture won Competion about Keflavik(Photo: Nordic Architecture)
Nordic Architecture won Competion about Keflavik(Photo: Nordic Architecture)

Nordic Office of Architecture with Cowi won ISAVIA’s international design competition for the expansion of Keflavik Airport – Iceland against highly esteemed competitors Mott MacDonald, NACO, Ramboll, EC Harris and INECO.The proposed masterplan for Keflavik airport seeks to form a robust and flexible framework that will ensure a long lasting and meaningful future development of the airport until 2040.

Based on Existing Facilities

Based on Nordics analyzes and the competition material, The proposal suggest a development that optimizes the use of the existing facilities, runways, building mass etc. while minimizing the operational disturbances during construction. In this way, it is ensured that the project is in accordance with the goals of Isavia.

Between Continents

The airport’s role as a hub between two continents is unique and sets standards and requirements to the future development. Increasing traffic, peak demands and future changes needs to be adhered to by a scheme that is open for alternative developments and flexible for unforeseen needs, says Gudmund Stokke in Nordic Architecture to Nordic News.

Won Turkish Competiotion

Nordic — Office of Architecture, Grimshaw and Haptic Architects have previously been appointed by the Turkish consortium of Cengiz, MAPA, Limak, Kolin and Kalyon to design the terminal complex for the Istanbul New Airport.

Based on the Black Sea coast, some 35km out­side Is­tan­bul, the am­bi­tious six-run­way de­vel­op­ment, mas­ter planned by Arup, will be de­liv­ered in four phases. The first phase will open in 2018 and aims to serve 90 mil­lion pas­sen­gers per year. This will in­crease to over 150 mil­lion pas­sen­gers once fully com­plete. Ter­mi­nal 1 of the Is­tan­bul New Air­port will be the world’s largest air­port ter­mi­nal un­der one roof, with a gross floor area close to one mil­lion square me­tres,  according to Nordic Architectures webpage.

Architect Gudmund Stokke and his team won the Competition about Keflavik Airport between two continents8 Photo: Nordic Office)
Architect Gudmund Stokke and his team won the Competition about Keflavik Airport between two continents8 Photo: Nordic Office)

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