More than three-quarters of MPs are expected to dial in remotely to a debate that will consider the government’s Brexit deal on Wednesday.The majority of MPs are preparing to participate online after the Commons speaker urged them to stay at home and made it clear those present in person will not be given priority to speak, writes Sunday Times.
Both the Commons and the Lords will sit for a single day on December 30 to pass the Future Relationship Bill implementing the government’s free trade deal with the EU.
he darkest hour was not before dawn — it came at 8pm on Monday night. That was when Boris Johnson delivered the message to Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, that he would not sign a Brexit deal with the EU.
“I cannot sign this treaty, Ursula,” he said. “I can’t do something that is not in my country’s interests.”
The United Kingdom leaves the European Single Market and European Union Customs Union from 1 January 2021. A trade deal facilitates EU-UK trade, which accounts for 49% of international UK trade. … The arrangements for its dominant financial services sector are of particular importance to the UK.
But the trade deal will come as a major relief to many British businesses, already reeling from the impact of coronavirus, who feared disruption at the borders and the imposition of tariffs, or taxes on imports.
As the deal was announced, Mr Johnson – who had repeatedly said the UK would «prosper mightily» without a deal – tweeted a picture of himself smiling with both thumbs lifted in the air.
In a press conference in Brussels, European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen said: «This was a long and winding road but we have got a good deal to show for it.»
She said the deal was «fair» and «balanced» and it was now «time to turn the page and look to the future». The UK «remains a trusted partner,» she added, according to BBC.
Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage – who played a leading role in the campaign to get the UK out of the EU in the 2016 referendum – told the BBC the deal was «far from perfect» and that for fisheries in particular it was a «rotten deal» – but added: «It’s a lot better off than we were five years ago», according to BBC.