The renewable materials company Stora Enso will be the presenting sponsor of the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Lahti in 2017. Stora Enso and Lahti2017 together aim to lead the way in promoting and supporting sustainable events. Stora Enso is one of Norwegian Banks Investment Managements largests Nordic Investsments. The Norwegian Departement of finance owns 8,17 percent of Stora Enso, and is largest after the State of Finland and The Wallenberg Web(FAM).
-This collaboration is especially important to Stora Enso because we have a long history in Finland even before the country’s independence in 1917,” says Karl-Henrik Sundström, CEO of Stora Enso to Nordic News. He is honoured to have a role in creating a successful international sports event in the year that Finland celebrates 100 years of independence. The Finnish city of Lahti will host the Nordic World Ski Championships in 2017 for a record seventh time. The Championships will take place between 22 February and 5 March 2017. The pre-World Championships, World Cup games in cross country skiing, ski jumping and Nordic combined will be held on 19-21 February 2016, also in Lahti.
Positive Experience
-Sponsoring the Nordic World Championships in Lahti is a great match for us because our roots are in the Nordic forests where cross country skiing takes place. We can contribute greatly to a sustainable event with our renewable materials: packaging, biomaterials, wood products and paper. We have very positive experiences from the Nordic World Ski Championships 2015 in Falun, Sweden, to build on,” Sundström concludes.
-“We are very happy to start co-operation with Stora Enso in building a successful and sustainable international event. Together we can create excellent customer experience to all of our guests, from athletes to spectators, says Janne Leskinen, Secretary General of Lahti2017 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships, says Sundstrøm.
-We are pleased to bring to a new level our excellent cooperation with Stora Enso,” adds Ingolfur Hannesson, Head of Winter Sports at Eurovision (EBU), holders of the media and marketing rights for Lahti2017. “Our policy is to work closely with companies who are willing to contribute before, during and after the Championships to ensure we leave a positive footprint that will endure for many years after the event itself, Sundstrøm continues.
Nordic Games
-Stora Enso firstly showed its commitment to the Nordic disciplines as sponsor of the World Cup 2014 and World Championships 2015 in Falun. We are delighted that the company’s next step is their involvement in the 2017 Nordic World Ski Championships in Lahti,” commented Marcel Looze, Marketing Manager of International Ski Federation, says Ulrika Lilja, EVP, Global Communications in Stora Enso. The Norwegian oil Revenue Fundis voting for 2,17 per cent,and is the Third largest owner in Stora Enso with 8,17 per cent, reports Nordic News.