Important climate talks in Paris
PARIS (AP) The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP 11 will be held in Paris,from November 30 to December 11.It w ill be the 21st yearly session of the Conference of… Les mer ›
Maximum threat alert in Brussels
BRUSSELS (AP)The threat level is expected to be in place until at least Monday. After a four-day shutdown prompted by a threat alert across Brussels, schools are reopening their doors with the help of beefed… Les mer ›
Minister Lavrov cancelled visit to Turkey
(Associated Press))Turkey shot down a Russian fighter plane crossing into its territory from Syria, killing one of the two pilots, and marking the first time in half a century that a NATO member has downed… Les mer ›
Seventeen Billion Euro more to Defend Britain
LONDON (AP) — British Prime Minister David Cameron will begin to lay out his case this week for the Royal Air Force to start hitting Islamic State targets in Syria, something he has been eager… Les mer ›
Regjeringen burde tattt grep tidligere
Det politiske forliket om innvandring, inkluderer alle partier på Stortinget unntatt Sosialistisk Venstreparti og Miljøpartiet De Grønne. Høyres parlamentariske leder Trond Helleland sa til Norsk Telegrambyrå at tiltakene går ut på å effektivisere saksbehandlingen, sørge… Les mer ›
Syria talks begin under pall of Paris attacks
VIENNA (AP) — Syria as a breeding ground for terrorism moved Saturday to the foreground of a meeting of foreign ministers on the war in that country, with participants linking the devastating shooting and bombing… Les mer ›
Forsvarssamarbeidet i Norden øker bilateralt
Den svenske jagerflyprodusenten Saab utvikler en ny Gripen E. Det er en ny hovedversjon av Gripen som vil utfylle den gjeldende versjonen av flyet, som blir brukt av det svenske luftforsvaret. Dette vil bli en… Les mer ›