Artikler av: Cision AB

Rekordår for investeringsfond i Luxembourg, alltime high på 5,9 billioner EUR

Rekordår for investeringsfond i Luxembourg, alltime high på 5,9 billioner EUR

31. januar 2022

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Per 31. desember 2021 nådde nettoformuen til luxembourgske investeringsfond et rekordhøyt nivå på 5,9 billioner EUR1 (6,6 billioner USD2). Dette representerer en år-til-år økning på 886 milliarder euro eller + 17,8 %. Det norske oljefondets… Les mer ›

Positive property outlook, but inflation a double-edged sword

Positive property outlook, but inflation a double-edged sword

31. januar 2022

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Nordic commercial property markets are expected to develop positively in 2022. Accelerating inflation will lift rental growth in all countries, but also put upward pressure on interest rates, which may hit required returns (yields). Transaction… Les mer ›

Volvo hadde et rekordkvartal

Volvo hadde et rekordkvartal

28. januar 2022

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Ekstremt sterk ordreinngang for Volvo som deler ut 26,4 milliarder SEK til aksjonærene. Lastebilprodusenten AB Volvo melder om et resultat som i prinsippet overgår forventningene for fjerde kvartal. Ordreinngangen var derimot klart sterkere enn forventet.… Les mer ›

Rutger Arnhult CEO and Per Berggren appointed Chairman of the Board of Castellum

Rutger Arnhult CEO and Per Berggren appointed Chairman of the Board of Castellum

19. januar 2022

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The Board of Directors of Castellum has appointed its current Chairman Rutger Arnhult as CEO of Castellum, taking office today on 10 January 2022. The Board has made an overall assessment of what will be… Les mer ›

Norse Atlantic Airways får amerikansk flytillatelse

Norse Atlantic Airways får amerikansk flytillatelse

14. januar 2022

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Det amerikanske transportdepartementet har i dag innvilget Norse Atlantic Airways’ søknad om tillatelse til fly mellom Europa og USA.  Selskapet er i rute til å starte transatlantiske lavprisflygninger til våren.  – Vi er godt fornøyde med at det amerikanske transportdepartementet har godkjent vår søknad om å tilby transatlantiske lavprisflygninger med mer miljøvennlige fly… Les mer ›

BNP Paribas Announces New Appointment in the Nordic Institutional business

BNP Paribas Announces New Appointment in the Nordic Institutional business

13. januar 2022

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BNP Paribas announces the appointment of Fredrik Fremberg as Co-Head of Financial Institutions Coverage Nordics (FIC). Together with Jonas Lindgren, Fredrik will co-lead the FIC franchise across the Nordic region, based in Stockholm. He will also… Les mer ›

Nasdaq Copenhagen welcomes Re-Match A/S to Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market

Nasdaq Copenhagen welcomes Re-Match A/S to Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market

12. januar 2022

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Copenhagen, December 2021 – Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) announces that trading in Re-Match A/S shares (short name: RMATCH) will commence today on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market. Re-Match belongs to the utilities sector and is… Les mer ›

Jim Rowan to become new CEO of Volvo Cars

Jim Rowan to become new CEO of Volvo Cars

4. januar 2022

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Swedish carmaker Volvo has appointed a new CEO. Jim Rowan will take over as CEO from Håkan Samuelsson in March 2022. Geely Automobil Holding is the major owner of VolvoCars. The Norwegian Oil Revenue Fund(NBIM)… Les mer ›